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…feels awesome right now! I didn’t mean for tonight to turn into wash night but for the 2nd time, as I was trying to moisturize I grabbed shampoo instead of conditioner. SMH So once again, wash day came a couple of days early.

The A/C went out at the house so I’m at the hubs apartment until it’s replaced tomorrow. Instead of packing my full size bottle of conditioner, I just packed the travel size products that I took to Jamaica. As I sat in front of the TV doing my hair, I didn’t realize I was picking up the wrong product. I’d already sprayed my hair and noticed more of a lather as I started to put in my leave in. Looked at the bottle and saw that it was shampoo. There was no turning back so I finished the job.
As I was rinsing my hair, my fingers glided smoothly through as I detangled and I could feel my curls popping! Now I’d read tons of glowing reviews about this product line and as for the shampoo, I totally think they were spot on. I really liked it. The conditioner not so much. It didn’t have much slip and my curls didn’t clump. My hair didn’t feel like it was coated – for lack of a better word. Since I really liked the shampoo I expected to like the conditioner just as much. Right now I can’t say that I do. I will see how my curls look and feel after they dry.

So, what products did I use?

As I mentioned, I’d taken these to Jamaica but since my hair was in braids I didn’t really get a feel for it. I can’t wait to take my hair down I’m a few hours! To be continued…